A military leader in the King's Army of Iria, and a brave soldier who serves Dantalion and Iria with his amazing combat skills.
After losing his family in war, Xavier became a ward of the kingdom and received the support and training needed to become a top-notch soldier.
Xavier is ready and willing to lay his life down for his country.
Weapon Type:
Recommended Resonance
The right resonance can make a big difference in a character's viability.
Recommended Weapons
These weapons are generally advised by the Gloria's Hall staff.
Recommended Trinkets
With his Spear of Iria passive, Xavier reaches over 300 speed on Turn 1. This easily makes him the fastest unit in the game, and the perfect character to hold Scrolls of August, which boost a character's speed by 50. Xavier is an enabler of some of the most threatening one turn kill strategies this game has.
Tarot Whispers
These Tarots are generally recommended by the Gloria's Hall staff.
Xavier is the fastest unit in the game. With the Old Scrolls of Auguste, he can enable any Turn One Kill strategy by allowing them to go before the opponent, regardless of who has speed token (Assuming your opponent doesn't also bring their Xavier).
Any character that can single handedly turn the tide of battle by going slightly earlier (Tristan, Auguste, Taiir for instance) will benefit from Xavier's speed.
Xavier's main purpose in PvP is as an enabler for stronger characters. On his own, without Old Scrolls of Auguste, he is still a decent AoE damage dealer, but will quickly be outclassed by future AoE damage dealers.