

Dawn Moon is when the Moon hangs in the sky after the night ends, and represents hope. It doesn't translate well.













Weapon Type:


Weapon Type:


Weapon Type:




Physical damage dealt is treated as [Magic Damage]. Gain the skill [Full Moon Illumination] at the start of battle. Perform [Assisting Cover] on friendly troops with [Oath] within 3 tiles. At the end or beginning of your action, if there is a friendly ally with [Oath] within 3 tiles of you, you gain [Guard] for 1 turn.

ATK and DEF are increased by 15%. 40% of your Physical Defense plus 40% of your Magic Defense is added to your Physical Attack value. At the end of the action, if you have [Guard], dispel 2 [debuffs] each from yourself and an ally with [Oath] and heal yourself and that for 80% of [Aisha]'s Physical Attack value. Restore 1 NRG. Damage from [Oath] and [Guard] effects is instead increased by 20% and damage taken is decreased by 20%.



Physical damage dealt is treated as [Magic Damage]. Gain the skill [Full Moon Illumination] at the start of battle. Perform [Assisting Cover] on friendly troops with [Oath] within 3 tiles. At the end or beginning of your action, if there is a friendly ally with [Oath] within 3 tiles of you, you gain [Guard] for 1 turn.

ATK and DEF are increased by 15%. 40% of your Physical Defense plus 40% of your Magic Defense is added to your Physical Attack value. At the end of the action, if you have [Guard], dispel 2 [debuffs] each from yourself and an ally with [Oath] and heal yourself and that for 80% of [Aisha]'s Physical Attack value. Restore 1 NRG. Damage from [Oath] and [Guard] effects is instead increased by 20% and damage taken is decreased by 20%.



Physical damage dealt is treated as [Magic Damage]. Gain the skill [Full Moon Illumination] at the start of battle. Perform [Assisting Cover] on friendly troops with [Oath] within 3 tiles. At the end or beginning of your action, if there is a friendly ally with [Oath] within 3 tiles of you, you gain [Guard] for 1 turn.

ATK and DEF are increased by 15%. 40% of your Physical Defense plus 40% of your Magic Defense is added to your Physical Attack value. At the end of the action, if you have [Guard], dispel 2 [debuffs] each from yourself and an ally with [Oath] and heal yourself and that for 80% of [Aisha]'s Physical Attack value. Restore 1 NRG. Damage from [Oath] and [Guard] effects is instead increased by 20% and damage taken is decreased by 20%.



(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.

RK 0



Leg Slam

(Phsycial DMG) Deals 120% DMG, knocks the target back by 2 tiles, and inflicts [▼ Move 1] for 1 turn.


RK 0

Leg Slam


(Basic Attack) Deals 100% Physical DMG.

RK 0



Leg Slam

(Phsycial DMG) Deals 120% DMG, knocks the target back by 2 tiles, and inflicts [▼ Move 1] for 1 turn.

Skill Tree

The highlighted skills are recommendations based on our community guides, but we heavily encourage experimentation!


Use Castalia



Dawn Moon - Waxing Moon

Select an enemy within the range and [ charge ] and causes 3 damages, each causing 55% damage. If you have [ On duty ], the damage is increased by 30% .

RK 11

Moon's Shadow

The maximum range of counterattack increases by 2 tiles; when counterattacking, physical damage is increased by 50% ; the number of counterattacks is increased by 2 additional times .

Dispelling Strike - Melee

(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and dispels 2 [buffs] on the target.

RK 9

Feverish Attack - Melee

(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and gains 20% [Life Steal].

Dawn Moon

(Passive) When in a [ healthy ] state, when actively attacking, the damage caused is increased by 30% , and after the active attack, the cooldown of all [professional skills] is reduced by 1 round, and the cooldown reduction effect can be triggered at most once per round .

RK 7

Moon over the Hill

All the players on the field with the "Mobility" camp will have their attack increased by 10% and their defense increased by 20% . [ healthy ] state, the damage received is reduced by 10% and the attack and defense attributes are increased by an additional 8% .


(Reaction) When hit by an active attack from the [front of side], performs a basic attack to [Strike Back] if the attacker is within range, dealing 70% of basic attack's DMG. The effect can be activated up to 1 time per round.

RK 5

Full Moon's Light

When attacked, recover 50% HP equal to P.DEF value plus the M.DEF value. This can be triggered up to 3 times per round. [ Block ], and can block [magic attacks] and [range attacks]. When attacked from any direction, there is a 100% chance to trigger [ Block ], and the damage taken when blocking is reduced by an additional 10% .



Moon Rises at Dawn

Select a location within range , charge to that location and deal 60% [Area Damage] to all targets within 1 circle , inflicting [ Vulnerable 2 ]、[ Disarm ], lasts for 1 round; if you have [ On duty ], increasing damage by 30% . If the skill hits only 1 enemy, the damage is increased to 120% . If the target is defeated, the energy cost and cooldown are refunded. It can be triggered once per round .

RK 3


Moon's Silhouette

Teleport to the target, both parties gain [ No damage 2 ]、[ ▲ Treatment 2 ], and obtain [ ▲Physical Defense 2 ]and[ ▲Magic Defense 2 ], all effects last for 3 rounds. You will also gain [ Moon silhouette ]、[ Strong counterattack ], and lasts until the next 3 actions start.


Moonlight Blow

(Physical Damage) Single target attack, dealing 130% damage, healing itself and [ pledge ] target, dispel 1 [Debuff], healing amount equal to 60% of Physical Attack , and gain [ ▲Attack 2 ], lasts for 2 rounds.

RK 1

Legacy of Comrades

(Passive) When an ally in battle is defeated, recovers 30% HP for the character, and the character gains [▲ ATK II], [▲ P.DEF II], and [▲ M.DEF II] for 3 turns.

Skill Tree

The highlighted skills are recommendations based on our community guides, but we heavily encourage experimentation!


Use Castalia

Dawn Moon - Waxing Moon

RK 11

Moon's Shadow

Dispelling Strike - Melee

RK 9

Feverish Attack - Melee

Dawn Moon

RK 7

Moon over the Hill


RK 5

Full Moon's Light

Moon Rises at Dawn

RK 3

Moon's Silhouette

Moonlight Blow

RK 1

Legacy of Comrades

Skill Tree

The highlighted skills are recommendations based on our community guides, but we heavily encourage experimentation!


Use Castalia



Dawn Moon - Waxing Moon

Select an enemy within the range and [ charge ] and causes 3 damages, each causing 55% damage. If you have [ On duty ], the damage is increased by 30% .

RK 11

Moon's Shadow

The maximum range of counterattack increases by 2 tiles; when counterattacking, physical damage is increased by 50% ; the number of counterattacks is increased by 2 additional times .

Dispelling Strike - Melee

(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and dispels 2 [buffs] on the target.

RK 9

Feverish Attack - Melee

(Basic Attack) Deals 100% physical DMG and gains 20% [Life Steal].

Dawn Moon

(Passive) When in a [ healthy ] state, when actively attacking, the damage caused is increased by 30% , and after the active attack, the cooldown of all [professional skills] is reduced by 1 round, and the cooldown reduction effect can be triggered at most once per round .

RK 7

Moon over the Hill

All the players on the field with the "Mobility" camp will have their attack increased by 10% and their defense increased by 20% . [ healthy ] state, the damage received is reduced by 10% and the attack and defense attributes are increased by an additional 8% .


(Reaction) When hit by an active attack from the [front of side], performs a basic attack to [Strike Back] if the attacker is within range, dealing 70% of basic attack's DMG. The effect can be activated up to 1 time per round.

RK 5

Full Moon's Light

When attacked, recover 50% HP equal to P.DEF value plus the M.DEF value. This can be triggered up to 3 times per round. [ Block ], and can block [magic attacks] and [range attacks]. When attacked from any direction, there is a 100% chance to trigger [ Block ], and the damage taken when blocking is reduced by an additional 10% .



Moon Rises at Dawn

Select a location within range , charge to that location and deal 60% [Area Damage] to all targets within 1 circle , inflicting [ Vulnerable 2 ]、[ Disarm ], lasts for 1 round; if you have [ On duty ], increasing damage by 30% . If the skill hits only 1 enemy, the damage is increased to 120% . If the target is defeated, the energy cost and cooldown are refunded. It can be triggered once per round .

RK 3


Moon's Silhouette

Teleport to the target, both parties gain [ No damage 2 ]、[ ▲ Treatment 2 ], and obtain [ ▲Physical Defense 2 ]and[ ▲Magic Defense 2 ], all effects last for 3 rounds. You will also gain [ Moon silhouette ]、[ Strong counterattack ], and lasts until the next 3 actions start.


Moonlight Blow

(Physical Damage) Single target attack, dealing 130% damage, healing itself and [ pledge ] target, dispel 1 [Debuff], healing amount equal to 60% of Physical Attack , and gain [ ▲Attack 2 ], lasts for 2 rounds.

RK 1

Legacy of Comrades

(Passive) When an ally in battle is defeated, recovers 30% HP for the character, and the character gains [▲ ATK II], [▲ P.DEF II], and [▲ M.DEF II] for 3 turns.


Recommended Skills

Recommended Skills


Recommended Skills


Gloria’s Hall provides news, tierlists and detailed guides for Swords of Convallaria from beginners guides to PVP.

Copyright @ 2024


Gloria’s Hall provides news, tierlists and detailed guides for Swords of Convallaria from beginners guides to PVP.

Copyright @ 2024


Gloria’s Hall provides news, tierlists and detailed guides for Swords of Convallaria from beginners guides to PVP.

Copyright @ 2024