
Energy Wave
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% Magical DMG.
RK 0

Healing Spell
(Healing) Heals the target by 100% of M.ATK and dispels 1 [debuff] on the target.

Energy Wave
RK 0

Healing Spell

Energy Wave
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% Magical DMG.
RK 0

Healing Spell
(Healing) Heals the target by 100% of M.ATK and dispels 1 [debuff] on the target.
Skill Tree
The highlighted skills are recommendations based on our community guides, but we heavily encourage experimentation!

Use Castalia

Iceborne Disaster
Deals 60% to all enemies within 3 tiles of the target range. [ Ice Attribute ][Area damage]
RK 11

Healing Light
Heal all allies within two tiles of the target range. Healing is equal to the amount of 60% the M.ATK value, and dispesl 1 [debuff].

Dream Oracle
(Normal attack) Single attack, causing 50% of magic attack value [ Penetration Damage ], and applies a random [ Level 2 Debuff ]、[ nightmare ], lasts for 2 rounds; after attacking, there is a 30% chance to additionally inflict [ Sleep ], if the target is in the [Injured] state, [Sleep] will be applied for 1 round.
RK 9

Merciful Strike - Magical
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% magical DMG and increases the effect of the next healing skill by 15%, lasting for 2 turns.

Dream Bubble
(Piercing Damage) Deals 50% of M.ATK to all enemies within 3 tiles of the target. Apply [Nightmare], [Vulnerability 2] and [Piercing Vulnerability 2] before attacking. If the target already has [Nightmare], apply [Dream Corridor],all effects last for 2 rounds; after attacking, If enemies are [Injured] or are inflicted with [Dream Corridor], apply [Sleep] for 1 round.
RK 7

Entranced Healing
Heal a single target for 80% of M.ATK, grants [Sweet Dreams] to the target for 1 turn.

Deer Dash
At the start of the battle, you gain (Strong and Unyielding), which restores 35% of your health and can not be dispelled. When actively attacked, the damage received is reduced by 15%. Afra transforms into Deer lasts for 3 rounds.
RK 5

(Reaction) Takes 50% less [DoT]

Snow Walking
Afra transforms into a Deer and jumps to the target terrain grid, then causes 20% of the magic attack value damage to all enemies within 2 tiels of Afra

RK 3

Dream Divination
(Passive) At the start of Afra's action, Afra uses a [Dream Ability] and gains 1 NRG. [Dream Ability] is released in this order: [Enter the Dream], [Remember the Dream], [Protect the Dream].

Dream Whisper
Single attack, causing 70% of magic attack value damage, inflicting [ nightmare ]、[ Vulnerable 2 ]and[ Penetration Vulnerability 2 ], if the target already has [Nightmare], it will additionally apply [ Dream Corridor ]; after attacking, apply [ Sleep ]. All effects last for 2 rounds.
RK 1

Dream Echo
Active release [Professional Skill]: Heal all friendly forces within 3 squares of the player, with the healing amount equal to 20% of the magic attack value .
Skill Tree
The highlighted skills are recommendations based on our community guides, but we heavily encourage experimentation!

Use Castalia

Iceborne Disaster
RK 11

Healing Light

Dream Oracle
RK 9

Merciful Strike - Magical

Dream Bubble
RK 7

Entranced Healing

Deer Dash
RK 5


Snow Walking
RK 3

Dream Divination

Dream Whisper
RK 1

Dream Echo
Skill Tree
The highlighted skills are recommendations based on our community guides, but we heavily encourage experimentation!

Use Castalia

Iceborne Disaster
Deals 60% to all enemies within 3 tiles of the target range. [ Ice Attribute ][Area damage]
RK 11

Healing Light
Heal all allies within two tiles of the target range. Healing is equal to the amount of 60% the M.ATK value, and dispesl 1 [debuff].

Dream Oracle
(Normal attack) Single attack, causing 50% of magic attack value [ Penetration Damage ], and applies a random [ Level 2 Debuff ]、[ nightmare ], lasts for 2 rounds; after attacking, there is a 30% chance to additionally inflict [ Sleep ], if the target is in the [Injured] state, [Sleep] will be applied for 1 round.
RK 9

Merciful Strike - Magical
(Basic Attack) Deals 80% magical DMG and increases the effect of the next healing skill by 15%, lasting for 2 turns.

Dream Bubble
(Piercing Damage) Deals 50% of M.ATK to all enemies within 3 tiles of the target. Apply [Nightmare], [Vulnerability 2] and [Piercing Vulnerability 2] before attacking. If the target already has [Nightmare], apply [Dream Corridor],all effects last for 2 rounds; after attacking, If enemies are [Injured] or are inflicted with [Dream Corridor], apply [Sleep] for 1 round.
RK 7

Entranced Healing
Heal a single target for 80% of M.ATK, grants [Sweet Dreams] to the target for 1 turn.

Deer Dash
At the start of the battle, you gain (Strong and Unyielding), which restores 35% of your health and can not be dispelled. When actively attacked, the damage received is reduced by 15%. Afra transforms into Deer lasts for 3 rounds.
RK 5

(Reaction) Takes 50% less [DoT]

Snow Walking
Afra transforms into a Deer and jumps to the target terrain grid, then causes 20% of the magic attack value damage to all enemies within 2 tiels of Afra
RK 3

Dream Divination
(Passive) At the start of Afra's action, Afra uses a [Dream Ability] and gains 1 NRG. [Dream Ability] is released in this order: [Enter the Dream], [Remember the Dream], [Protect the Dream].

Dream Whisper
Single attack, causing 70% of magic attack value damage, inflicting [ nightmare ]、[ Vulnerable 2 ]and[ Penetration Vulnerability 2 ], if the target already has [Nightmare], it will additionally apply [ Dream Corridor ]; after attacking, apply [ Sleep ]. All effects last for 2 rounds.
RK 1

Dream Echo
Active release [Professional Skill]: Heal all friendly forces within 3 squares of the player, with the healing amount equal to 20% of the magic attack value .

Afra has two states, her human form and her deer form. Snow Walking gives you more control over transformation, while Entranced Healing is a good option if you don't need the extra control.

Recommended Skills

Recommended Skills

Afra has two states, her human form and her deer form. Snow Walking gives you more control over transformation, while Entranced Healing is a good option if you don't need the extra control.

Recommended Skills

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Gloria’s Hall
Gloriashall.net provides news, tierlists and detailed guides for Swords of Convallaria from beginners guides to PVP.
Copyright @ 2024 Gloriashall.net

Gloria’s Hall
Gloriashall.net provides news, tierlists and detailed guides for Swords of Convallaria from beginners guides to PVP.
Copyright @ 2024 Gloriashall.net

Gloria’s Hall
Gloriashall.net provides news, tierlists and detailed guides for Swords of Convallaria from beginners guides to PVP.
Copyright @ 2024 Gloriashall.net