Talent & Star Material Guide

By: Maggie <3

By: Maggie <3

Shoutout to Noahlvaldi,

Talents are arguably the most important means of progression that Sword of Convallaria has to offer, while also being the most overwhelming & confusing. In this guide, I will break down talent trees, how to best invest in them, and how to digest all of these crazy circles, letters, and numbers on the screen. 

Getting Started

I want to make one thing clear before moving forward with any information in this guide: any investment you make in the talent tree is a benefit to your account. You can’t screw yourself over investing anywhere in these, so do not stress. What is important to know, however, is that you can invest efficiently in these trees. It is going to take you a long time to fully max out these trees; this is a marathon, not a race. 

As you level to 60 and progress your account, you are going to be forced to keep all of your talent trees at a baseline level in order to keep up with Voyage Memento phases (which are incredibly important, do NOT neglect these!!!). 

The first thing you want to consider is which talent trees benefit your account the most right now. If your best legendary characters are Simona, Gloria, and Inanna, then you’d best be making sure the Watcher tree is the one you favor. If your best legendaries are Momo, Acambe, and Beryl, then consider the Destroyer tree. So on and so forth. You may have all six of these characters if you’re blessed by the RNG gods, so you may really like both of these trees! If your best seeker characters are Lightning and Stinger, maybe put that one on the backburner except for Voyage Memento phases. 


Tactics are an integral (non-LPVP) mechanic in Sword of Convallaria that are directly tied to progression in the talent trees. In this section, I will highlight some of the best tactics for you to use, organized based on the tree they can be obtained. Do note that these tactics often have multiple levels, the improved versions unlocking as you progress their respective talent tree. (thanks to Noahlvaldi) 

War Horn

Urgent Order

Flag of Convallaria


Maneuver Command

Invincible Hero

March Command

Divine Archer; for clash specifically, you can use this to check where your opponent has placed traps on the ground based on where you can’t place the archer. Not really worth using besides that.


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